Sunday, November 3, 2019

Personal Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Personal Reflection Paper - Essay Example I was able to change my thinking from having goals of childish nature to a more mature outlook on life. The activity gave me an opportunity to compare my life goals with those of my classmates. This is critical in terms of comparing me with other like-minded and equally intellectual formidable classmates. This comparison showed me that despite my ambitious nature in terms of my life goals, there are others who are more ambitious and aggressive. It was a revelation and a challenge for me to work harder and be more ambitious in order to compete on the same level with my intellectual equals. As the exercise proceeded, I was able to reevaluate my life goals and coalesce them with a more realistic and tangible future. The defining moment for the entire exercise was the peer review section where classmates were tasked with evaluating each other’s life goals. The result of this activity was that my teammates gave me the second highest score in the entire class. It was a defining moment for me in terms of not just my self-esteem but also my general outlook on life. This event truly gave me an opportunity to evaluate and reevaluate my life goals. This activity also helped me to distinguish between the tangible life goals and what is pure fantasy. The score given to me by my classmates was evidence of the progress I am making in terms of fulfillment of my life goals. I honestly feel that I am making huge strides in the right direction, and I have a more confident approach to life and achievement. A bulk of this is fully attributed to the activity presented to us by the professor. My book club facilitation focused on chapter 6 of the book titled, "Becoming a leader" by Benis. The title of the chapter was effectively dubbed leaders perspective and desire. This activity was rather significant because I had never thought of myself as a leader. The activity was a revelation into my potential as a

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